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“I have heard that amazake is good for the intestinal environment, is that true?”
I will answer these questions.
In this article
- The reason why amazake is suitable for intestinal activity
- Recommended drinking method to prepare the intestinal environment
I will explain about
This is Kayada from Tenryohai Sake Brewery.
Tenryohai has been producing Amazake since 2005.
This year will be my 16th year.
As an amazake professional who has been making amazake for many years, I will try to explain it properly.
The reason why amazake is suitable for intestinal activity

There are three main reasons why amazake is suitable for intestinal activity.
It is as follows.
resistant protein
Resistant protein is an indigestible protein that acts like dietary fiber.
Like dietary fiber, it softens stools and encourages bowel movements.
It is difficult to digest in the gastrointestinal tract, and while moving slowly through the intestines, it absorbs excess lipids and cholesterol and excretes them from the body. In addition, since it effectively removes waste products in the intestines, it can be expected to have the effect of adjusting the intestinal environment.
Glucosylceramide is a vegetable ceramide. In recent years, this ingredient is said to have the effect of increasing Brautia coccoides, a kind of good bacteria in the intestines.
Brautia coccoides has the effect of suppressing intestinal inflammation, so it is thought that increasing this will improve the function of the intestines and enable smooth defecation.
Oligosaccharides serve as food for Bifidobacterium, a kind of lactic acid bacteria, and can be expected to have the effect of increasing their numbers.
Bifidobacterium is thought to activate the peristalsis of the intestine and promote bowel movement.
Furthermore, it is said that it suppresses the putrefaction of the stool accumulated in the intestines, so that diarrhea and stomach bloating are resolved. In addition, the increase in Bifidobacterium, which is a good bacteria, improves the intestinal environment and can be expected to reduce the risk of food poisoning and enteritis.
The above three ingredients can be expected to improve the intestinal environment and relieve constipation .
Recommended drinking method to prepare the intestinal environment

There are recommended drinking methods and points to prepare the intestinal environment, so we have summarized them.
It follows.
- drink in the evening
- drink hot
- Drinking Yogurt and Arrangement
drink in the evening
It is said that the intestinal environment is adjusted while sleeping.
Therefore, it is best to drink a glass of amazake between 16:00 and 18:00.
drink hot
Drink warm rather than cold. The reason is that when the intestines are cold, it becomes easier to lead to constipation.
However, if it is too warm, many of the enzymes contained in amazake will die.
So please warm it to human skin. (slightly lukewarm)
Drinking Yogurt and Arrangement
A synergistic effect can be expected by combining it with yogurt, which is synonymous with intestinal activity.
The acidity of the yogurt you drink goes well with amazake, making it a lassi-style drink.
It is better to divide the amount by eye and drink it at a ratio of 1:1.
In this article
- The reason why amazake is suitable for intestinal activity
- Recommended drinking method to prepare the intestinal environment
I explained about.
Amazake is an interesting drink because the expected effect changes depending on the time of day you drink it.
If you are interested, please see below because you can expect effects for diet and beauty.
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